
OpenTTD requires a separate base graphics set to run, which can be downloaded on first run. In case you want to manually download and install it, some options are:

  • OpenGFX (graphics)
  • The Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files can be used as base graphics set. You must own a version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe; they cannot be downloaded.

Sound and music sets are recommended (but not necessary).

  • OpenSFX (sound) and OpenMSX (music) can be installed via the in-game content download manager.
  • The Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files can be used as base sound / music set. You must own a version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe; they cannot be downloaded.

Additional graphics, sound, and music sets can be downloaded via the in-game content download manager.

For integration with Social Platforms, you have to manually download and install the plugin of the platform (only available on OpenTTD 14.0 and later):

Please refer to the readme for more information.

For all binaries officially released by us we publish the MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 checksums. You can use these checksums to check whether the file you downloaded has been modified. All three checksums should match the file you downloaded; if this is not the case it means that either the file didn't come from us or that it got broken during transport. Either way it might possibly contain dangerous modifications and the file should therefore not be trusted!

Download master

Latest master release in openttd is 20250107-master-g0437701ebe, released on 2025-01-07 05:21 UTC.

Changelog ]

Developer Files

These files are not required to play, and do not add anything to the game. They can be useful for programmers who want to diagnose crash bugs.

  • [ 327.5 KiB ]
    Checksums ]
    md5sum   : 7f154ef945b4fc94400752f37dc92769
    sha1sum  : 7229585861279df554290d1e50a32de552ef180f
    sha256sum: 3ee03a02f873b14584504a36ff1821e70945b0454f36f12b384755c17c248ff0
  • [ 449.3 KiB ]
    Checksums ]
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    sha1sum  : 6cc772ddb9d8a05a4fd408e9e661d16f3f58401f
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  • [ 14.3 MiB ]
    Checksums ]
    md5sum   : fd1f5aacfe09c20d7fa5f1ccc98d9b69
    sha1sum  : 63b6e424df2886e2ebfdfbaf07aecc2748c629fe
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  • [ 7.7 MiB ]
    Checksums ]
    md5sum   : 0036eba4aa708fefcba6ba44127a1173
    sha1sum  : 1d63e213290523b60fe86983da5151bdfbe4b221
    sha256sum: 3e4f9451507203fd523084e9c30aae344862cb3c2c0a6298d274c6f24c136125
  • [ 12.5 MiB ]
    Checksums ]
    md5sum   : b2532a4f403cd0f99c170a5b23a14ec4
    sha1sum  : 691a3c730ace926193ab3ffd6168ef6b392c2128
    sha256sum: c1219e75001784f5a8a309d518281c12c3a536d20aace46ef41f27bcb0bb6212